Thursday, October 08, 2009

Last Day of Ice Skating!

Sunday was Abby's last day of ice skating and she told me she had asked her teacher from school to come. I honestly was figuring she wouldn't be able to come since it was a Sunday afternoon right after church but she did come! When Abby saw her sitting in the bleachers her face lit up! I honestly think this is something she will remember FOREVER! You know, one of those memories you have about your favorite teacher that changes your life--yep, this is one of those times! I think for Abby it was huge for her to see that she mattered to Mrs. Piland and that she was special to her. I am so thrilled she came! I already loved Mrs. Piland as Abby's teacher but now...well now, she won me over:)
Also, (and not trying to make light of it:) Debbie and Jerry were able to come and see Abby skate. This was also very special to her--they are always so supportive and really make a point to be as involved as possible! Thank you for coming guys!
Abby told me that night after practice that she really tried not to fall since everyone had come out to see her! I do believe that it's moments like these that shape a person's character, and for Abigail when she thinks back on this day she will feel treasured and valued which is the absolute truth! I Love you girl, and so do many, many other people!

Abby after practice with Mrs. Piland-her first grade teacher

Maw Maw and Poppa with Abby after practice!

Skating away....she has gotten really good and hopes to continue ice skating in the future!

1 comment:

Kimberly Read said...

Where do you take skating lessons around here? This was a really neat post.