Friday, December 17, 2010

Legacy Park Field Trip

Last week Reese had his second field trip with his kindergarten class. They went to a nature center and the kids had a great time taking a hike through the woods, playing in the nature center and meeting a real opossum!  All the kids thought the opossum was super cool.  They had been studying opossums in class so they had fun telling the lady all about EVERYTHING they knew about them!:)
I had a great time getting to know some of the other Mom's better too and it's always fun getting to spend the day with Reeser!  I remember going to this nature center not long ago with Abby's class....time flies! 

checking out the creek

getting ready to meet the opossum

1 comment:

The "W" Family said...

Sure, I use google picassa. Very user friendly and free. Just google it and download - have fun!