Sunday, November 14, 2010

Abby's Stories

Lately Abby has been bringing home stories that she has written at school and I really wanted to get them down in the blog so we'll have them forever.  Here are a few of my favorites:
I went ahead and put all the type-o's in because they are cute;)

There's a Nightmare Under my Bed!
One day I saw five shiny eyes and big teeth.  So one night I wanted to find out what it was I looked under my bed POW!!  It's a nightmares!!!! It has five shiny eyes shiny eyes, two horns and two fangs a big nose, four claws.  I tride to get rid of it but I cud'nt.  I got my brether (brother's) light saver (saber).  I hit that Nightmare.  He started to cry. He got mad.  So I had one chanse (chance).  I had to hug him!!  It worked, he huged me back!
The End

I wanted a dog so bad and I still do but mt first dogs was named Hank. I loved it win my parents said, "time to go to the pownd!"  Now we have to go to the Kansas City we let a boy watch Hank.  Win the boy came out of the bathroom Hank thought he was a stranger so snap!!  Hank bit off part of his lip!:( Hank had to go to the pownd.  I was sad.  That was the last time I got to see Hank.
The End
(that's not all the story and some of the details are off but it's a good/sad story all the same ~Becky)

I had a sleepover at my house.  Some of my friends came.  My Mom invitide 2 people.  There names are Gabbie and Hailey.  We watched How to Tran your Dragen.  We put on make-up and while How to Tran your Dragen we ate a cupcake.  Then we had to go to bed.  The next morning we ate monky brad (monkey bread).  While brakfast Hailey had a volleyball game.  She did not go to my birthday party.  I had a roller skating party.  I am 8 it was my best birthday ever.  
The End


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