Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Oh How I Love My Sister...

I love that there is someone in my life that has loved me through it all and known me my whole life...(besides my parents of course:)  Through those awkward years that no one wants to remember ever happened and this someone remembers and loves me anyway.
I love that there is someone that can laugh "with" me while I'm making a complete fool of myself and she thinks it's hilarious...because she acts the same way:)
I love you sister...thank you for always taking funny pictures with me.
You make me that a word used correctly oh sister teacher of mine?:)  oh how I love that you correct my grammar and hate that I never punctuate:) 
I love you sister!

the lighting was wrong so we decided this direction would be was:)

doesn't she look great?  

the close up...the serious one:)

even more serious...

the famous "Michael Buble" pose...thank you Michael for introducing us to this ridiculous pose.  We love how stupid we look doing it:)

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