Saturday, May 06, 2006

Go Washington Nationals!

We went to the baseball game tonight. The kids seemed to have alot of fun. We were really close and that helped that they could actually see the ball and the players! We had some really nice people around us that didn't mind the kids at all.....they kids even scored some fries from the lady next to them! Reese also got beer all over his jacket thanks to the the people getting drunk down the way...hey I guess you can't experience baseball without beer getting on you sometime! I can't tell you who won because we headed out after the 6th....Greg's not sure if he will ever see a whole game again!:)


Anonymous said...

So, are you guys Nationals' fans now? That looks wonderful. We need to go to a big game with our kids, too. I'm glad you had a great time.

TKB said...

6 innings...that's doing pretty good...