Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Still no Camera!

We found out yesturday that our camera made it to the fix-it-up shop so maybe we will be back in business in a week or so...let's hope....the kids are growing everyday and I hate for you all to miss it!
Well I have a great story for you. Last night Abby told me she wanted to have 12 kids when she gets old like me...I told her I would be a very happy grandmother:) but she went on to tell me some names she picked for them... moonface, pencil sharpener, booklet, 7th grade, and big lie....I guess she was kinda on a school kick when she thought of these names! I just had to record this for future reference...when she really does have kids I need to give her some of these great suggestions huh?
Reese tonight had a break through...he got out of the bath and wanted to go "potty-potty" (aka going potty on the potty) now we are NOT starting potty training just yet especially because the move and all but he still likes to try so I let him give it a go....and He DID IT!!....for the first time he went pee-pee...oh man he was so proud he ran around the house looking for Daddy and Abby to brag! I just love having kids and getting to see first hand them do all these firsts!

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