Today Abby had a "decorate your own hat with a science vocab word" parade. I know, I know... kinda lame according to "it's Halloween dress-up and have fun" parade but it's at least something right? Anyways they sent home this letter with instructions and across the bottom it had the word desert biome....what??? I was thinking it would be a word like...tree, water, seasons (if you are reading this Tanya that's for you;) ha! Well anyways I got the letter a week ago and honestly stressed a bit about what in the world we would do BUT to my surprise (and I shouldn't be surprised) she did the hat ALL BY HERSELF! She had the greatest ideas and didn't need my help at all! I was so proud--she worked on it for about 2 hours! She put sand all over the hat, drew a cactus, a sun, some tumble weeds and even drew 2 awesome looking lizards! She is such a great artist--she didn't get that from me:) She said the parade went well (I didn't know I could come watch so I missed it:( but I know she must have walked tall knowing that she did her hat all by herself!!! Way to go Abby!
Daddy and I decided to let Reese open his birthday gift from us a day early so he had time to play with it---he was very happy to say the least:) Couldn't rip into it fast enough! Now that's my kind of gift:) Batman car track--it does a loop-da-loop:) Setting it up with Daddy....Mommy is not much help in this department! Reese getting his birthday ribbon at preschool Birthday blessing--two other kids had a birthday this week too! Proud Mommy and Daddy with a sweet birthday boy! Good Morning Sunshine! Pink eye!!! Can't see it very well but it was bad! Watching Toy Story....if you are wondering we threw his glasses away;) Daddy and, I mean...everyone's popcorn;) Mommy and Reese--I love this boy!!
Yesterday Reese turned 5 years old! We had a full day of adventure:) First we woke him up with a cupcake and he finally got to blow out a candle (his birthday party at the park was too windy:) Then Greg and I took him to preschool --I offered to let him skip school and hang out with me the whole day but he was VERY excited to get to go to school and bring cupcakes to all his friends! When we got to school we went to chapel with him. On the kids birthdays they have a birthday blessing and give the kids birthday ribbons to wear all day--Reese was very excited to get to wear his ribbon:) It wasn't long after we left Reese at school that we got a call that Reese's eyes were itchy and red. We decided it would be best to go get him and see what was going on and can you believe it? Reese got pink eye in both eyes on his birthday!!! No way! So sad right? Honestly it didn't seem to stop him much! He actually was pretty excited he had to stay home and could play with his new toys all he wanted:) Not a bad deal huh?:) Anyways we had planned to take Reese and Abby to see Toy Story 1 and 2 in 3D last night and decided to still give it a try and see how Reese worries we made sure he didn't touch anyone or anything:) Luckily we pretty much had the theater to ourselves and we all had a great time! Such cute movies and we can't wait for Toy Story 3 to come out! We didn't exactly make it through both movies but we gave it the old college try:) After we got home we got on skype (webcam) with my parents and Reese showed them ALL his new toys and him and Abby had a blast being silly for them! All in all it ended up being a great day--except the pink eye:) Today he is already so much better and we went to the doctor today and he is already not contagious! Who knew the drops would work so fast! Thank goodness because they green gooey stuff was so gross!!!:) Well Happy Birthday Reese! We love you more each day and can't wait for the adventure that lies ahead! We love you!
Abby made Reese this hat for his party:) He loved it! Birthday boy! Reese and his buddy Chase from Preschool class I wish I would have gotten more pictures with all the other kids but of course I forgot! He also invited 3 little boys from his T-ball team, 3 from school and one little girl named Hannah (they have been friends since birth--so cute:) Abby and Charlie--so cute I just had to share! (look at Abby's leg...hilarious!--these 2 are very close... they are adorable! trying to light the candles--it was too windy so we pretended! Opening gifts Reese and 2 of his cousins, Charlie and Landry (notice they are all in their T-ball uniforms--all the kids had rain make-up games before the party--it's been raining ALOT down here lately!!) Praise God it was clear for his party!!! Playing ball--so fun!!! Reese playing first---he just keeps getting better and better! He got the Rangers jersey he's wearing here from Maw Maw and Poppa....he hasn't (voluntarily:) taking it off since the party!
Saturday we had Reese's 5th Birthday party at the park! We had a great time and alot of his friends showed up to celebrate! The weather was a perfect 72 degrees--gotta love Texas;) When the kids showed up they pretty much started playing baseball immediately! I had to pull everyone away to have cake and ice cream and open gifts! Reese loved all his gifts and he had such a sweet grateful spirit when opening all of them! Yay Reese! For the past few days we have been "practicing" opening gifts and teaching him how to properly respond to the gift he just received:) (Reese is a very expressive little boy and when he doesn't like something you can read it all over his face:) So knowing this and having some difficult gift opening situations in the past Greg and I thought a few practice rounds wouldn't be a bad idea! We are very pleased he learned AND applied what he learned--score:) Way to go Reese! Anyways the party really was wonderful and I know everyone says this but honestly I can't believe my little Reese is already 5! What in the world? I must be getting older too huh? Nah, I think it's just him;) Happy Birthday (party;) Reese! We love you! (His actual birthday is on Tuesday Oct. 27th so we will be partying ALL week!:) I love Birthdays! What a great way to celebrate the people we love!!!!
Today Abby got stung by an asp caterpillar (I never even heard of one before today) and it was terribly painful! We were over at Greg's parents house and she had been playing in the backyard and after she had been inside for a bit she started screaming and grabbing her arm. By the time Greg got over to her she was able to fling off the caterpillar and it fell to the ground. We could NOT calm her down and she was in tremendous pain! Thankfully Greg's mom had just recently heard about this certain type of caterpillar and was able to recognize it. She told us this kind of sting can be dangerous and very painful so we got her to the emergency room immediately! This can potentially be a very harmful caterpillar and it stings with venom! Within minutes her entire upper arm was red and swollen! We just weren't sure if she was allergic so we decided to not take any chances! And I am so glad we didn't! Thankfully all is well and within about an hour (of pain), some Motrin and ice she got a lot better! She now just has a ton of sting marks down her arm-that stinking caterpillar just rolled down her arm and stung her the whole way! She says she hates caterpillars now--I sure don't blame her--do you?:) I seriously have never even heard of this type of caterpillar before but supposedly because of all the rain down here lately they are more common. Weird huh? All I can say, after seeing Abby today, YOU DON'T EVER WANT TO GET STUNG!!! Be careful! This is a Asp Caterpillar---they look cute and fuzzy but they are NOT!!! Sweet girls arm! I can't believe how many times she got stung!
Tomorrow is Reese's 5th Birthday party and I just finished his cake! He wanted a Rangers party (baseball--of course;) We rented out a local park and the kids are gonna play baseball-kids against the adults---should be lots of fun! Be on the look out for pictures tomorrow--it's gonna be a great day!
Grandkids surprising Maw Maw on her Birthday! They are nutty!
Ok I am really late here Maw Maw--sorry but I still wanted to blog about your birthday:) Maw Maw turned..uh...27:) on October 15th (she was very young when she had Greg and Doug...VERY young;) Anyways the day of her birthday she was kinda sick so I piled all the grand kids in the car and we when shopping for the most "chocolaty" cake we could find! (her favorite...everyone's favorite;) We then surprised her with it at her house and the kids sang to her--sadly they sang the wrong version of Happy Birthday--their version is: (I'm sure you have heard it:) Happy Birthday to you You live in a zoo You look like a monkey and you smell like one too! ~not very nice huh? Thankfully, Maw Maw has a good sense of humor and she just said, "Well, If I look like a monkey then you all do to because people say we look alike all the time!" :) Good one Maw Maw! Well, we hope you felt special Maw Maw because you are--Happy "late"Birthday!! Finished off all that cake yet??? ~You know in our house it would have been gone in ONE evening! I have a philosophy about that--when it's your birthday you have one day to eat all your cake because on your birthday calories don't count! Great philosophy huh? It's not true BUT hey it's only your birthday once a year and I am a BIG fan of birthdays:) Did I mention my birthday is in 5 months?? hehe! (that was for you Jerry:)
While we were camping a few weeks back my friend Cari got a great picture of Reese that I just had to share with you all! He is going to be 5 next week and I can't believe it's already been that long! It's going way too fast...wish I could slow him down:)
We had a free evening the other night so we headed out to the pumpkin patch! It was beautiful weather and we picked out some great pumpkins and gourds to decorate the house. Have I mentioned that I LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR? Well- I do and having pumpkins sitting around the house just fills me with warmth and joy!!!:) When we got there the kids really wanted to go through the corn maze but sadly Reese disobeyed and didn't get to go (I hate when they have to miss out like that:( Anyways Greg took Reese to the car and Abby and I started our adventure through the maze....the VERY big maze:) We did ok but it took us quite awhile to get through---we were happy to see the exit to say the least:) Well after we got done Greg and Reese joined us and the kids picked a pumpkin they liked and that seemed to cheer Reese up a little. (he is still talking about how he didn't get to go through the maze so I guess it was effective even though it was very painful for Greg and I) I believe you now Mom and Dad when you said, "this hurts me more than you" :) It really does! I told Reese the other day that I would rather him learn now with less severe consequences than when he gets bigger because the consequences get BIGGER too! (he seemed to get it:) Oh Lord let him get it!!!!! Entering the Corn Maze Finally made it to the end...notice it is dark:) Greg and Reese came looking for us because we took so long-HA! My pumpkin! My other Pumpkin:) Going to the pumpkin patch is my favorite thing to do during the Fall--I love pumpkins!!!
Abby loves pictures! Abby and Reese today at Joe T's after church Mr. GQ Yes, she is as sweet as she looks! So adorable--what can I say we've got some pretty kids;)
Had to share this picture...pretty funny! That's a big pumpkin....I think I'm gonna try carving a pumpkin this year too. I have never tried but who knows maybe it's a hidden talent I have?? I mean really, how did this guy learn? He probably just tried and realized...hey, I'm not half bad:) I think we all have a lot more talent than we give ourselves credit for! I say we all go out and find those hidden never know what you'll find;)
This past Sunday we had tickets to see Mary Poppins at Fair Park in Dallas. We found out that you could get in free to the State Fair of Texas the same day of the musical so we decided to make a day of it! I had never been to the State Fair before and was excited to see what all it had to offer. Well, we figured out quickly it's a huge rip off! I am sorry, but really it was ridiculous! Now, of course, the kids didn't notice or mind so they had fun so I am happy:) We decided to splurge and all go on the Ferris Wheel for the low, low cost of $25--crazy huh? Although, honestly Greg and I were happy to do it because the kids were SO excited--actually they were giddy-it was great! After our ride we went searching for fried things (Greg's goal of the whole trip:) We ended up trying the fried snickers and the fried Oreos. We really were wanting fried peaches and cream or fried butter but the lines were insane and it was raining so we opted out! (we didn't want it that bad!:) ~for all you non-Texans out there the State Fair here is known for their creative fried foods....pretty perfect for the fattest state in the country huh?:) We then headed over to see Mary Poppins and it was incredible! Both the kids loved the show and the songs were so great! Abby and Reese started to get pretty tired close to the end but Abby insisted that we stay---she was enamored by the whole thing:) Anyways we had a great time together and I always love doing different things with the kids---you gotta mix it up every now and again to keep life exciting:) So after all the adventure here's my advice (for all it's worth:) *If you haven't seen Mary Poppins the musical it's a must see. If you are wanting to head out to the state fair sometime, don't--just save your money and take your kids to one of those parking lot carnivals. (it's pretty much the same minus Big Tex;) ~oh and the fried stuff I guess but if you want it that bad you could do it yourself ....purchasing your own deep fryer would be cheaper I promise! *Sorry all you Texans out there....Greg told me I might get some grief but seriously, I know I'm not the only one that thinks it's super overrated right???? :) *oh by the way we never get pictures at the musicals because they take your camera away if they see it---I learned this the hard way early on in the season:)
Texas sized Ferris Wheel--huge!!! It was so fun! Have I mentioned heights kinda freak me out? Well, they DO! (and we were really high!!!:) Some very happy kids....priceless! waiting in line....they were so anxious they could barely stand it! There's Big Tex....he's big alright! Greg and I were laughing because he's kinda creepy and no one seems to notice:)
Family pic---thanks Cari (she took pictures for us all weekend because our camera battery was dead--how this happened I don't know:) Abby and Reese sitting by the lake on our hike Greg pulling a tree out of the ground--or so the kids thought:) Reese trying to do the same--he wasn't quite able to though:) ~hum Greg, I wonder why? You trickster! Reese and me by our tent before bed Getting ready for bed Greg and me sitting around the campfire--can you tell?:) Ha! (great picture Cari) And no we are not on fire, but I did melt the bottom of one of my shoes!! Nice huh? :) I was cold and wanted to be near the fire...real near apparently! It was really funny--out of no where Greg says, "Becky your shoes are smoking!"~ and indeed they were-melted almost all the way to my toes--yikes! Abby jumping over a bike jump on the trail Reese doing the same... Camp site
This past weekend we went camping with some friends (7 families) at Lake Murray in Oklahoma. We left late afternoon Friday hoping to get there in time to set up camp and get a fire burning. Thankfully we got there in plenty of time and we even found all our friends with no trouble--yay! Altogether there were 14 adults and 14 kids---craziness yes, but super fun too:) We shared a camp sight with our friends the Vaughns and the Hudkins. The kids had a blast sitting around the fire singing, eating hot dogs and roasting marshmallows. It was a chilly night but the kids had no trouble getting to sleep while some of the parents sat around the fire talking. This is my favorite part of camping for sure! We had a great time telling stories and catching up on each others lives! Good times! Saturday morning we got up early, ate some breakfast, and started to take down the tent. We have gone camping a lot with the kiddos and their favorite part is going on hikes in the woods so we were trying our best to get them out on the trails before we had to head home. While we got packed up the kids were having a blast playing by the water (aka, the MUD) and Reese got to play some baseball with some of the dads--he was in heaven! I sadly, was extremely cold and could not get warm!!! I even sat in the car with the heater on...this actually helped alot but it made for a miserable morning!:( We ended up going hiking with the Hudkins and had a blast exploring with the kids. We headed home a little after lunch--thankfully we got home early because I had 5 loads of muddy laundry--yikes!! *I sadly came to a conclusion this weekend--now I always thought I was a "camper" girl BUT I think I realized that I love camping in "perfect circumstances" and if it's too hot or too cold camping kinda stinks--I do feel bad but it's the truth! I think I am more of a girlie girl than I thought:) Oh and I definitely have "issues" with the kids getting all muddy (OCD I know-I am shamefully aware and working on it EVERYDAY:)--I really, really had to calm myself down and relax so many times this weekend while I watched the kids get muddy from head to toe! Greg and I seriously considered throwing all their clothes away including their shoes!!!! (so sad and so unwise I know:) BUT to our credit we didn't throw anything away but oh we wanted to....real bad!!!;) Now after all this will we ever go camping again???...of course -Greg won't have it and by the time we go again I will forget how I am feeling right now--isn't that always how it works?? ~just like no woman would ever get pregnant again if they "remembered" all the pain right? :) Oh camping, you are so bittersweet! Ha!