Friday, October 06, 2006


Greg and I are just hanging out watching a show and then out of the corner of our eye we see a black something run across the floor! We both looked at each other and wondered if the other saw the same thing....I was hoping he didn't but sadly he did! So Greg got a broom and climbed on the counter and started to look for a mouse. Well we found one behind the refrigerator....Greg moved it out and the mouse came running out then went under the here I am standing guard while Greg runs to get a trap...alot of traps....I am so grossed out by mice....I will not sleep till we know he is dead and it's already midnight! ...As you can see I am ready to beat it to death though!!! I am so shocked that our new apartment has mice that's so terrible...I don't think I will ever walk on the floor again...or let the kids off their beds!!....just kidding!

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