Reese got a Pirate dress-up kit....oh was he excited! My dad got him to put on the earring--too funny!
seeing his bike for the first time!
getting the whistle from Abby.....I look really stupid here but look how excited he is?:) ...and her! Priceless!
Going in for the kill!
The cake I made for Reese--boat is made from cake that I carved to look like that...surprisingly it was easy---you should try it! (and fondant is super easy after you give it a go a few times!)
Thanks to my friend Faith--she taught me the ropes last year ...I am forever grateful for your cake wisdom:)
Well Reese's Peter Pan party went great and I can't believe it's already over---seriously I have been planning this thing forever! It was really hard finding Peter Pan stuff and when and if I did find anything it was always on Ebay from the UK---meaning super expensive shipping! Soooo I had to improvise! I ended up finding napkins and a table cloth with the map of Neverland on it(score!) -which Reese LOVED-and everything else was pretty much green or pirate themed. When the kids got here we had a treasure hunt in the back yard then broke the pinata before it got too dark. Then we had my dad's homemade pizza--thanks dad--good job! We then opened gifts and had cake. Reese got a bike from Greg and I and he was thrilled---since he's riding without training wheels now he was super excited to get a BIG bike! As soon as he got it he wanted to go outside and show everyone how good he was--it was cute!
Last year I had his party at a local park and well lets just say that that was a great idea! The kids were soooooooo loud being inside---all the boys were playing sword fighting while the little girls ran around screaming! (note to self-have his party outside next year!)
Anyways one of the most memorable moments for me was when Reese was opening Abby's gifts to him. She has been working around the house to earn money to get him something really special and she did just that! She got him a Peter Pan whistle thing--which he has been wanting forever (when he opened it he acted like she got him a new puppy or something and it was only 88 cents!)--- she also got him this Potty Putty which is pretty crude but he sure thinks it's hilarious! It was so sweet to see Abby so proud of her gifts and then his reaction made her day! I loved it!
So as you can see things went great and the cake turned out--which I was worried about since I have NEVER made a ship but it ended up being really easy...who knew?
Well Happy Birthday to Reese and I still can't believe he's already 4---he's such a wonderful boy with such a tender heart----I wouldn't trade him for the world!
*when he woke up the day of his birthday I was telling him I couldn't believe how old he was and as I was hugging him and holding him like a "baby" he says, "Mommy, you can send me to Neverland so I'll stay your boy forever but you gotta go with me ok?" -sniff sniff....isn't he great? -my heart breaks thinking these days with them are going way toooo fast....slow down pleasseeee!!!!!!!!
great cake! thanks for the kudos:)
How sweet, that puts tears in my eyes he asked to stay a little boy in Neverland. Sob!
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