First time Abby met Ms Thomson at the beginning of the year
Last picture together--they had a great year!
Abby before the show
First day of kindergarten---she looks so young! What a seems like yesterday:) ~really it does!
Is it already over? Man, things need to slow down!
Today was Abby's last day of kindergarten and it just doesn't seem real! Although I feel like I have been a parent forever:) I am still shocked to think I have a 1st grader! Wow!
Anyways to celebrate the last day the kindergartners performed one last time for us in the cafeteria. Abby did a great job and she was really into all the songs! I am gonna post a video of my favorite one---it was hilarious! I wouldn't describe Abby as outgoing, actually I would say at times she is quite shy (not sure where she got that?) but today she was very active and involved in the songs---I was very proud! Let's just say I was one of those kids that stole the show when I was little....meaning either I did something to draw attention to myself or I pulled my dress over my head---whatever it took to get a laugh;) ~let's just say this is NOT Abby's personality and I'm glad! She's an individual and I love everything about her....of course:)
Well--enjoy the video and hopefully I was able to capture the silliness of the moment!