Thursday, February 07, 2008

Show 'N Tell

Landry, Charlie and Abby sitting together during show 'n tell
--she thought it was so cool to have her cousins come to her school!

Every Thursday Abby has show 'n tell and has to bring something that starts with the letter of the week. Well this week was the letter P and she was racking her brain on what to bring but then she had a brilliant idea! Her cousin Charlie is always dressing up as Peter Pan and one of their favorite things to do at his house is dress-up and act out the movie. So we called Aunt Annie and asked her if Charlie could come up to her school as Peter Pan so Abby could "show" him--Charlie of course was super excited.
This show 'n tell ended up really funny- Charlie came as Peter Pan and Landry (little brother) wanted to dress-up too so he came as a baseball pitcher and even Poppa showed up for all the "P" fun! So she ended up having 3 "P's"---she came home telling me that everyone was so surprised! It ended up a great success....I wonder what she'll have Charlie do next? --she already said she wanted Landry to come as the Beast---let's just hope they start the alphabet over:)


Anonymous said...
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The "W" Family said...

That is so creative! Looks like she enjoys school.

Susan @ Blessed Assurances said...

that is hilarious!

I loved show and tell but was never that creative.

i watched Fever Pitch last night and thought of you, Becky. Have you seen it? You need to rent it, it's similar to your marriage during baseball season! :) it's similar to mine during Charger football too.

happy friday

Anonymous said...

What exactly does someone have to say in order to have their post deleted? I am suprised all of mine have thus far made it through the editing process.
