Serious business!
Trapped with Granny!
The kids love to play glow-in-the-dark mini golf
PaPa and Reeser--arn't they handsome?
One happy girl--she got all the princess pez dispensers! She was thrilled! (I have to hide the candy and I am slowly giving her some refills....she would eat it all in one sitting for sure;) -I told her we need to save some for her actual birthday!
Well as I stated before I was very surprised that Reese didn't want to go to Incredible Pizza for his birthday! But when asked by Granny and PaPa where Abby and Reese wanted to go they both said in unison, "INCREDIBLE PIZZA!!!" It was Tuesday which is unlimited game day so if you pay $12 you can play as many games as you want. We ended up staying there almost 4 hours--crazy but we wanted to make sure Granny and PaPa didn't waste their money!
All of us "adults" had fun too---we all figured out which games gave the most tickets and we ended up all together getting about 800 tickets! The kids had so much fun spending time with Granny and PaPa and we are all glad they could come in town for Reese's birthday! Also they brought all their gifts for Abby's birthday since they won't be here for her party! She was very excited to get to open early and has had a great time playing with all of them! Thanks mom and dad we always love when you come to town and can't wait to see you again at Christmas!
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