sleeping in the car--too cute!
My sister and me in her classroom
Grandparents day at Trevin's school
Fritz Railroad Restaurant
Papa and the kids at Union Station--Papa's dad worked at Union Station way back in the day--pretty cool what they have done with the place to restore it!
Kids riding the mini train---they loved it even though it wasn't a roller coaster:)
Granny and PaPa with the grandkids (that were present:) We missed you Tobey!
Christi and me
Monday after Greg got off work we hit the road for a LONG drive to Kansas City. We didn't end up getting in until 2am or so and Greg and I were so tired it was painful! I really do try my best to stay awake to help keep him awake but since I get car sick--pretty bad:( and I have a hard time being drugged up and all:) Ha!
Anyways the kids did really great and don't seem to mind the long drive (I guess they are used to it after all these years:) They didn't fall asleep until 11:30 and we had to make them go to sleep or they would have stayed awake the whole time! Crazy kids!
Well anyways we have had an action packed week so far (hence the reason I haven't blogged in forever) On Tuesday we slept in (well at least Greg and I did) the kids woke-up bright and early wanting to play! After we got up we got to go up to my nephew Trevin's school for Grandparents day. We even got to spent some time in my sister's classroom (she's a 5th grade teacher at Trevin's school) -It is always fun to see what everyone does from day to day and step into their lives for a little bit! On Wednesday we were pooped by the end of the day! I met my friend Kim for some shopping:) and everyone else went to the Steamboat Arabia Museum --I hear it's a really cool place...I actually did want to go and I'm sorry I missed it but I already had plans when they decided to go--promise:)
Afterward we all met up at Fritz Railroad Restaurant. The kids love going there! They deliver your food by train and it's all junk food...which they LOVE! (everything in moderation I always say:)
We then headed over to the Union Station where they had model trains, gingerbread house villages and tons of Christmas trees set up. We all had a great time but after the day was over we were all ready for bed! Coming to Kansas City is always so much fun but it's just hard to fit everything in in just a few short days! The kids have already said they want to go ice skating and so many other things...we'll see--there are only so many hours in a day:)
*side note*
As we were driving up here the other night we got out of the car in Kansas and I realized that I needed my coat. Went to find it and I forgot it!!! Can you believe it? It freezing up here and all I have is a vest--classic right?! Thankfully my good friend Krista lives down the road and she loaned me one---she has about 8:) Thanks Krista! And you want to know the worst part about it? I got a new coat for Christmas last year and I really don't get to wear it in Texas much and this was my chance!!!! Dang!:) I would say I learned my lesson but it never fails every trip everyone else has everything they need and I always forget something I need--that's the price you pay for being a Mother I guess;)
You missed Tobey AND Eden! She's not in the picture either :(
you are so right! Sorry:( We were also missing Kaden...what was I thinking?:)
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