Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Merry Christmas to Us!

Look what we got today!!!!

Yep it's our package from Italy!  We got some much yummy food--yay!
 (we bought a bunch of food at the local market in Florence on our food tour and shipped it home:)

Here's what was in the box:
Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar (the best you have ever tasted--guaranteed;)
Italian Coffee (kinda like espresso)
Fresh noodles (5 packages:)
Truffle honey...yep thats right TRUFFLE!!!
Fig Jelly--you put it on parmagino
Mushroom and Truffle spread
3 types of cheeses (Parmagino and 2 kinds of pecorino)
Garlic flower spread
Pistachio orange Nougat (Italian dessert, the nougat kinda tastes like marshmallow)

So yes it was a good day at the Stamps:)
I totally understand if you wanna come over and eat at our house...come on over!!!:)

P.S. Don't come if you can't appreciate good fine food....we will not waste our food on just anyone;) Ha!
We will be having LOTS of pasta in our house for the next few months:)

a very happy boy!


The best balsamic vinegar EVER!!!  It's like syrup.
 (which is a good thing...no it's not sweet like syrup just the consistency of syrup;)

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