Before we started I wrote some secret messages on the eggs (white crayon) and Reese kept picking those first he thought it was cool but after awhile he started to cry...too funny...I guess he didn't want mommy messing with his eggs!
I have been noticing lately how big the kids are getting and how much more fun it is to celecbrate hoilday's. They really seem to enjoy all the traditions Greg and I are trying to start and it is so exciting to know that each year it will just gets better! We both can't imagine life without these is so much more full and FUN! I highly suggest having will never be the same!
...oh by the way in the picture of Reese he is holding up his egg that says, "He's Alive!" if you ask my kids what happens on Easter this is what they will yell at the top of their lungs! ...I wish we all got that excited about Jesus and what He did for us on the cross!
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