Monday, April 14, 2008


This was a conversation between Greg and I AFTER we put the kids to bed.

Me-Honey, did you feed the kids anything when we got home from church? (I was at the grocery store).
Greg- Reese had goldfish and some green tea and Abby didn't ask for anything-- why?
Me- well I didn't feed them dinner before church --they only had popcorn and ice cream for a snack! (I know that sounds so bad--but they normally eat very well:)
Greg- So the kids didn't eat dinner?
Me- Nope.
Greg-They didn't seem hungry...

***let's just say they woke-up VERY hungry!***
note to self--make sure to feed the kids dinner everyday:)


Anonymous said...

That is so funny, mainly because I recall not too long ago having the exact same conversation with Jason!:)

Anonymous said... I know why my kids were so thin after staying with you guys.
