Saturday, February 26, 2011

A few requests...

I head to KC tomorrow night.  I will arrive late but hope to get to the hospital to see Dad before he goes to sleep for the night.  Mom says he has been very confused, discouraged and sad.  He just doesn't remember anything over the past 3 weeks and can't figure out why in the world he is so weak and sick.

We wish we knew too.

I am really praying that he doesn't get too discouraged...well I pray he isn't discouraged at all!  It makes me so sad to hear he is feeling this way.  I mean of course he would feel this way but I just wish he didn't.
Please pray for a will to fight, strength in his body to start healing his lungs and a speedy and miraculous healing.  I want to be an encouragement to him while I am there. Pray I say the right thing and that I have discernment in what will help him.  I want to help.

Headaches still continue (for me) pray those go away....they need to stop.
Thank you means a lot to know you are praying.

1 comment:

Anita said...

Becky, please know the Tenorio family has been praying for your dad, you, and your entire family. Stay strong, I know for a fact that is way easier to say than do. My family was in your shoes exactly a year ago, I pray for strength for all of you!!! If we can help here in Ft. Worth, plz let us know, I am down for I hope just a couple more days, but don't hesitate!!! We love our Stamps family!!